Saturday, November 24, 2012

Web-based software

Web-based software.
According to Technology’s promise, web-based software is going to dominate the IT side of Enterprises due to the fact that business organization are increasingly moving towards a web-based operating environment. Many companies like Google, Amazon, and HP are leading efforts to encourage the development of web-base applications especially in the open source style.  The major benefit of adopting and using web-based applications is that it eliminates the need for traditional installation and maintenance issues; with web based software, users do not have to worry about installing, configuring, or maintaining any software as everything is centrally managed by a company’s IT department or an a third party business partner.  According to the text book, Microsoft is launching an online version of its popular MS office suite products and will be available for users online. If this trend continues, we should expect to see and interact with virtually any application from the comfort of a web browser ; In other words, our operating system will be transformed to a web browser that provides the same performance and functionality as an operating system does.

Two forces that may impact the evolution of this technology forecast:
Force #1: Globalization: as we continue to live in a high-tech and highly global business market, corporations and institutions around the world need their employees, customers, and business partners to have access to applications in a timely manner without the need to manually install and configure software. This force will further help this technology to move fast and mature.
Force #2: Financial: the cost of purchasing software,  maintaining and supporting it will lead corporations to move away from this traditional approach and shift towards a web-based environment that provides cost effective web-based solutions and help boost employees’ productivity and performance.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Smartphone Security

This is an excerpt from my dissertation about the importance of protecting our smartphones from emerging cyber attacks.

Smartphones are becoming enriched with confidential information due to their powerful computational capabilities and attractive communications features. The Android smartphone is one of the most widely used platforms by businesses and users alike. This is partially because Android smartphones use the free, open-source Linux as the underlying operating system, which allows development of applications by any software developer. This research study aims to explore security risks associated with the use of Android smartphones and the sensitive information they contain; the researcher devised a survey questionnaire to investigate and further understand security threats targeting Android smartphones. The survey also intended to study the scope of malware attacks targeting Android phones and the effectiveness of existing defense measures. The study surveyed the average Android users as the target population to understand how they perceive security and what security controls they use to protect their smartphones. Research findings indicated that Android smartphones lack proactive security measures to provide adequate protection against emerging malware attacks; they also showed that Android apps impose the most imminent security risks, especially because Google Android does not deploy security policies to recognize legitimate apps from malicious ones. Hackers, in turn, have exploited this security flaw and have passed harmful apps into the Android Market. As a result,  personal and financial information residing in Android smartphones is exposed to malware attacks.  Therefore, it is essential to develop effective protection mechanisms. The researcher proposes to build a proactive security framework that can detect and deter malware attacks targeting Android smartphones. 

Two forces that may impact the smartphone security are:
Force #1 : Technology:  This could be a double sword thing because new and more innovative technologies for smartphones can make it hard to protect them since users are usually distracted from the core value of these phones and only focus on the entertainment element of them. On the other side, as more innovative technologies come to the scene, we may see some break through technology that could provide ultimate protection for our smartphones without making users worry about the security aspects of this technology.

Force # 2: Society: our society is becoming increasingly more dependent on these gadgets which motivates hackers to craft more sophisticated attacks to compromise our smartphones and potentially steal our confidential information.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Technological progress

The author of the futurist states in page (23) that Technological progress will be one of the future trends that will shape our future. I think this prediction is already trending as we see the power of technology to enable humans to reach their goals faster and achieve their purposes more efficiently.
we can think of the power of the digital technology and look at how it has helped transform our lives in way that could never have imagined in the past. we live in a highly digitized world where our world is at the tip of our fingers and we can achieve virtually any task using the Internet and our computers as digital tools. we are yet to realize even more powerful tools and technologies resulting from the use of digital infrastructure as a daily routine in our lives. we should expect to work completely from home and interact with our society without even leaving our homes. thanks to our digital power.

Forces that may affect this future trend or forecast:
Force #1: Society: our society seems to be adopting the digital technology at an exponential rate. its completely embracing the digital world and making it an essential element of our daily life. this force will certainly help this technology to further strive and reach new heights.

Force #2: Economical: we live in a global economy; therefore we should expect the digital technology to see more adoption as business and organizations increasingly rely on the digital power to achieve their goals and meet customer expectations. The digital technology will certainly help achieve economic growth and contribute to making our economy more interconnected and more globalized.

Edward Cornish. Futuring: The Exploration of the Future.

Monday, November 5, 2012

the power of connecting people and ideas

Generative Dialoge:

The authors state that issues derive the need to generate ideas; indeed as the popular expression says ‘ Necessity is the Mother of Innovation’. This seems to be a valid reason why we now enjoy the benefits of communicating and interacting with people in an inter-connected world. When we provide a facility where knowledgeable people can engage in productive and disciplined dialogues; we should expect to reap good results about any particular issue of interest. This is based on the principle of connecting people and ideas to facilitate innovation. I think any innovation idea should be based on this principle because people tend to produce better results when they are engaged with people who share similar values and interests. Furthermore; with the advent of the Internet, there is no better way of connecting people and ideas from diverse cultures and backgrounds and help them find paths to innovate.  I would use the Generative Dialogue to explore innovative ideas about securing our digital infrastructure and ensuring the privacy of people using the cyber space every day. I would invite people from around the globe to participate and engage in a dialogue where every one’s ideas are values and considered as an essential element of a strategic innovation to secure our cyber space. When we invite people to participate and connect with people from similar fields and backgrounds, they feel more enthusiastic, motivated, rewarded, and most of all: challenged to produce the best ideas that will become part of the future innovation.

Forces that affect this innovative idea:

Force # 1: Technology: the internet has revolutionized the way people live and communicate and this innovative idea would certainly gain momentum via the use of Internet as a powerful and efficient way to connect people and their ideas. So the Internet can significantly facilitate and expedite this innovation.

Force # 2: Culture: I believe that people feel more inclined to collaborate with people from other cultures and backgrounds who share similar innovative ideas or particular interests. If we empower people and enable them to engage in productive dialogues, they will certainly produce quality results in a timely manner and thereby work towards a common goal or innovation.   

The SDP Process


Christakis, A. (n.d.). The SDP Process. Retrieved October 24, 2012, from Harness Collective Wisdom:
Schreibman, V., & Christakis, A. N. (2007). New Agora: New Geometry of Languaging and New Technology of Democracy: The Structured Design Dialogue Process.International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies , 15-31.