Saturday, November 24, 2012

Web-based software

Web-based software.
According to Technology’s promise, web-based software is going to dominate the IT side of Enterprises due to the fact that business organization are increasingly moving towards a web-based operating environment. Many companies like Google, Amazon, and HP are leading efforts to encourage the development of web-base applications especially in the open source style.  The major benefit of adopting and using web-based applications is that it eliminates the need for traditional installation and maintenance issues; with web based software, users do not have to worry about installing, configuring, or maintaining any software as everything is centrally managed by a company’s IT department or an a third party business partner.  According to the text book, Microsoft is launching an online version of its popular MS office suite products and will be available for users online. If this trend continues, we should expect to see and interact with virtually any application from the comfort of a web browser ; In other words, our operating system will be transformed to a web browser that provides the same performance and functionality as an operating system does.

Two forces that may impact the evolution of this technology forecast:
Force #1: Globalization: as we continue to live in a high-tech and highly global business market, corporations and institutions around the world need their employees, customers, and business partners to have access to applications in a timely manner without the need to manually install and configure software. This force will further help this technology to move fast and mature.
Force #2: Financial: the cost of purchasing software,  maintaining and supporting it will lead corporations to move away from this traditional approach and shift towards a web-based environment that provides cost effective web-based solutions and help boost employees’ productivity and performance.

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